Wasn't it supposed to be nice and sunny yesterday? - and then today? Well, where I am it looks very dull out there, so it doesn't feel like the 19 degrees the car display is telling me. Wonder if the sun will be able to burn through today? Maybe my big attack of hayfever this morning is an indication it will be warm? Let's hope so.
Now for Day 19 our challenge is:
Day 19: A snap shot of your day. Can be words, words and picture or just a picture OR Craft something that has a lacy theme
So I am going with the lacy theme. The colours in the photo are not quite the actual colours of the card - not sure what happened.
Anyway the card is made with another Kraftyhands CD - this time the Chic Boutique. I decoupaged the shop front. Added the die cut behind the sentiment and some flatbacked pearls otherwise everything is from the CD. Hope ou can see the lace behind the pearls. Is it cheating that the lace is not real?
Hope you all have a nice sunny day!
Lovely card